The Wounded Healer- Paperback

The Wounded Healer- Paperback


I’ve never known what it was to be soft and vulnerable. From early on, I learned that I had to fight my way out. Whether it was physical or spiritual, like Miss Sophia, all my life I had to fight! I sometimes wish I knew what being prissy and girlie really looked and felt like. But when grown men and older cousins snatch your innocence, being prissy and girlie seems to put a target on your back. So, you become strong, then you build a wall around your heart, and then your emotions fade. After shedding tears when the wounds were given, crying no longer feels like therapy, but just a reminder of painful times.

This book takes you through my journey as I collect wounds throughout my life. Before you start feeling sorry for me, save your tears, because everything I went through was necessary for my NOW! If you’re looking for some piping hot tea, get your sugar, because this book will not disappoint. If you’re looking for drama, get your pearls ready to clutch. If you’re looking to get to the end and find a broken wounded woman, close this book IMMEDIATELY and request a refund, cause this ain’t that!

I share my life to help others see there is ALWAYS a way to the light. Even in my darkest moments, I knew God had me. Now, that I am older, wiser, and more mature, I understand that everything I went through was to help someone else. We are overcomers by the blood of the lamb and the words of our testimonies.

Here is my testimony, we shall overcome TOGETHER!

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